Thursday, December 8, 2011

A "Homemade Christmas" Part III

Since the temperature has finally decided to come to it's senses & act like it's December, I am finally getting a little bit of Spirit today! And with said Spirit, is coming a lot of nostalgia... maybe I should blame it on the "Baby hormones," I'm not quite sure. Christmas in my family has always been BIG. No matter how much or how little we may have had, I don't think I can remember a Christmas that I didn't consider "Grand."

Now, don't get me wrong-- when I say BIG, I don't mean in any way, shape, or form expensive. We all know it's not about the money you spend or who gets the biggest gift; at least not in this family. When I say BIG, I mean big memories, big traditions, and big hearts. If you have been following my blog, you obviously know that I'm all about saving $$ & I'm gaga for a good deal! But all that aside, making Christmas FEEL like Christmas, means a whole lot more to me. So, don't forget to stop and celebrate old traditions & create new ones!

You might be surprised at how much you can do with very little. To me one of the blinking signs that Christmas is around the corner is the smell of pine! Is it just me? Well, I prefer a live tree hands down over a fake one... but that isn't always an option. So, one of my favorite things to do is at least decorate with live evergreen. Now, you can go to a nursery & pay for live greenery, or you can go out & find your own. I don't mean you have to go out into the woods... but you can if you want!! You can stop by any place that sells Christmas trees & ask them for their scraps! Guess what? More often than not, they will give them to you for FREE! Actually, they usually appreciate that they don't have to get rid of the stuff themselves! I got almost an entire truck bed of "scraps" the other day for free! So here's what I've been doing with them...

This is before...

Pine scraps, candles, & mirrors make amazingly beautiful Christmas decorations! Please be careful... do NOT burn your house down! You can also use magnolia leaves, nuts, twigs...all kinds of things that are probably right outside "you own front door!" The mirror behind this display, is a $5 over-the-door mirror from Target... it magnifies your light so you'll use half the candles! It's a beautiful twinkling reflection-- these pictures don't do it justice!

And After...

One of my other favorite decorations are snowflakes! I put them everywhere! Now, I'm short so they don't ever hit me in the head... but I can't say that everyone that comes over to my house loves my hanging flakes! Be mindful of the tall folk. You can buy a pack of about 10 glittery snowflakes at Target for $1-$2. Use ultra fine dental floss (which coincidentally, you can usually get for free with a coupon, also at Target) to hang them at different lengths from the ceiling. You can use string or thread, I think I just like the minty smell that comes along with the floss! I do it in my big doorway, like this...

The last "homemade" decoration I will share with you tonight, are my favorite "candle holders." Now, these are probably the worst pictures...ugh I will try & share some better ones with you tomorrow. But anyhow, take a glass container and fill it 1/4 to 1/2 way full with Epsom salt...yes, you heard me, Epsom salt. It's CHEAP & it looks like beautiful crystallized snow! Just set your tea light, votive, or pillar into the "snow" and there ya go! 
Come back tomorrow for our handmade Advent wreath (I know, we're behind) & another "Homemade Christmas" gift!

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