So, this deal is not Christmas related in anyway... however, I ALWAYS need printer ink! I swear there are little elves in my printer that drink that stuff! I did recently switch to a Kodak printer & that has made somewhat of a difference! And the ink is a lot cheaper. Any who... right now you can get 27% cash back at 4Inkjets, when you shop through your Ebates! I get ink dirt cheap this way!
And speaking of Ebates... have you signed up yet??? Well, I know you haven't! We've had about 6 people sign up, but only one person has made a qualifying purchase! This means that I will not be able to do the money giveaway! BOO! I'm not giving up hope yet though! We have until December 30th to make a qualifying purchase with through your Ebates account! We only need 9 more people in order to meet the first money benchmark & for me to GIVE YOU MONEY! So, when you open up those gift cards this Christmas... take advantage of all the after Christmas sales online & get PAID!
I will be the first to admit, I really hate shopping at WalMart... but sometimes, ya just gotta. Well, right now there are offering expediated in-store pick up! This is awesome because, you can shop online, get your 2% cash back through Ebates, NOT have to pay shipping or fight too much of the crowd, just go & pick it up! You must place your order by 6pm!
The stores listed below are also offering the in-store pick up option....and cash back! Hehehe...

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