Ok, so first things first.... have you ever heard of Cozi? All I have to say is, HOLY FREAKIN' COOL BATMAN!! Any company, product, gadget, app., etc. that says it can organize and/or simplify my life, I'm game! Well, Cozi says...and Cozi does! Give this website/app five minutes of your time & I promise you will fall in love!
Basically, Cozi functions like your brain used to, before you had kids. It's your day planner on steroids. It's your Calendar, To Do & Grocery List, Meal Planner, Journal, Sticky Note all rolled into one. But that's not even the best part... it's a FAMILY app! So everyone you want to have access to it does. "Honey, I need you to go to the store... the list is already on your phone." Not only that, but they are a wellspring of awesome info and tips about pretty much anything you can think of. Best of all it's FREE. We all know I heart free! Take a look see below...
Cool, huh? And you thought I was done...nope. Cozi is offering a ton of awesome discounts when you sign up. I'm talking $100 worth of discounts! That right there is enough to make me want to sign up!

Like... Six months of ShopRunner for FREE! Uhm, guess what's in 5 months... Christmas. That means you can get free 2 day shipping, at tons of your favorite stores, through the Christmas season! ShopRunner also offers you perks like free return shipping, waiving the $1.50 delivery fee when you order pizza online from Domino's, and % off at all kinds of different stores.
Want $5 off at Mabel's Labels? They'll give you that too! You never knew you needed a label for "that", did ya?
You're gunna get $5 off at Schoolbags for Kids. Everybody needs a totally cool backpack like one of these. Or what I plan on buying... they offer a "One There Schoolbag" which is donated to a child in need for only $5 after the discount.
Also, 10% off at Laptop Lunches. These things are crazy cool!
You'll be getting 10% off at another FAV of mine, PlumDistrict! Similar to Groupon, but for ridiculously, cool Mama & Kidlet "things"!
That's not even all of the discounts! I am on a discount HIGH right now! I'm excited about Cozi & all the awesomness they are offering their members. I higly recommend you check them out.
If you don't already have accounts with ShopRunner, Zulily, or PlumDistrict, sign up through my link to earn both us us some money! Usually, they offer new members $5 off their first purchase... combine that with your other discounts & save even more!
Alright, so last, but certainly not least, you guys & dolls have been so awesome, I want to give something away! I LOOOOOVE giving you stuff. How about an 8x8 Photobook from ShutterFly? Show me some love, let's get to 125!
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